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Unique Qualifications, Knowledge and Skills

I believe the best psychiatric care is provided with a firm grounding

in both medical and psychotherapeutic understanding.  To that end,

throughout my career, I have sought out additional and extensive

training and experience beyond that which is required.


After graduation from medical school,  I elected to complete a full year

of medical training  rather than the usual three months required for

psychiatrists.  In this setting I worked evaluating and treating general 

medical patients in the emergency room, cardiac care units, ICU, as

well as general inpatient medical wards.

This training has been invaluable in helping understand my patients

acute and chronic medical issues.


After completing psychiatric residency, including a year as a Chief Resident,

I completed an intensive two year psychotherapy fellowship program

through Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard. 

I have found this  essential training to practicing both medicine and



During my time at Massachusetts General Hospital, I additionally worked as a

member of the pain management team for both acute and chronic pain. 


Additionally, I  sought out training in ECT (electroshock therapy aka "shock therapy"). 

Though I no longer practice this treatment, I have seen the impressive benefits

first hand.

In both outpatient and inpatient settings, I have worked closely with my

colleagues in medicine and surgery providing consultation to their patients

whether in the ICU or medical and surgical units.  


I was the psychiatrist for the kidney transplant Team at UC Davis, responsible

for evaluating patients and donors prior to transplantation and participating

in the decision for appropriateness for transplant.  This included and identifying

potential issues and providing treatment recommendations, recognizing

side effects of transplantation medications as well as the transplantation

process.  After  transplantation I continued to provided consultation while

patients were hospitalized and if they were re-hospitalized.


I have worked in emergency rooms with people whose psychiatric issues have

brought them there.  And with people admitted both voluntarily and involuntarily

to psychiatric units.


I have taught courses through Harvard at the Massachusetts General Hospital,

UC Davis Medical School, Mt Sinai Medical School as well as NYU Medical School.

Topics have included interviewing skills, pain assessment and management,

psychotherapy and human sexuality.

Outside of private practice and through my career I have devoted a

significant portion of my time to working with underserved, under or  

uninsured people including people who suffer from homelessness,

chronic and/or debilitating mental illness such as schizophrenia and

severe bipolar disorder.   

I have done so in hospitals and for over more than the last ten years,

in a clinic setting.



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